3. Install Unity

โœณ๏ธ Highly recommended: 2021.3.2f1 (Download link)

โœ… Acceptable: 2021.1.x ~ 2021.3.1f1

โ›”๏ธ Not recommended: 2020.x.xf1

๐Ÿšซ Non-acceptable (Incompatible): 2021.3.3f1

  • Due to compatibility issues within Unity, MYTY Metaverse app MYTY Camera is built with version 2021.3.2f1. Therefore, it is recommended that you make MYTY Avatars with the same Unity Editor version of 2021.3.2f1.

  • You can download various versions of Unity Editor from Unity's Long Term Support Releases page.

Install Unity Hub

MYTY Kit comes with MYTY Kit Package for Unity. In order to use MYTY Kit smoothly, we recommend that you install Unity in advance before embarking on the avatarization process.

Why should we install Unity Hub?

The Unity Hub is the foundation from which we install the Unity Editor, create projects, and manage our Unity environment. Unity Editor version 2021.3.2f1 can also be installed through Unity Hub.

How to install Unity Hub

Go to Unity's Unity Hub Download page and download the Unity Hub installation file for your computer's OS. MYTY Kit can be used with any Unity license (plan), including the free Personal Unity license. Refer to Unity's Manual to manage your Unity license.

Install Unity Editor (LTS)

System requirements for Unity Editor can be found in the MYTY Kit System Requirements page.

You need at least 13.34GB of free space on your internal drive to install Unity Editor.

Tutorial Video

How to install Unity Editor

  1. On Unity's Long Term Support Releases page, scroll down and select the toggle for the LTS Release 2021.3.2.f1 version, and click the Unity Hub link.

๐Ÿ‘‰ You can also use the direct link to download Unity Editor 2021.3.2f1 version.

2. When Unity Hub opens, check the following 5 modules in the Install Unity window and select Continue, then Install Unity Editor

  • Android Build Support

  • iOS Build Support

  • Mac Build Support (IL2CPP)

  • WebGL Build Support

  • Windows Build Support (Mono)

How to change the Unity Editor version of a project file

1. In Unity Hub, click the project's Editor version and select the version you want to change to.

2. When the following window appears, click Change version.

3. When the window below appears, click Continue.

Other installation options

There are several ways to install a Unity Editor. For more information, refer to the Unity Installation page of Unity's Official Manual.

Is this your first time with Unity?

This section outlines the most frequently used editor windows and how to use them. For details, refer to Unity's Interface Manual.

Unity Interface

(1) Toolbar

  • This has all the essential working features of Unity. The top-left button gives access to your Unity Account, Unity Cloud Service, and Unity Collaborate. At the center are the play, pause, and step controls. In the upper right corner are the history and editor layout functions.

(2) Hierarchy Window

  • The Hierarchy window lists all GameObjects in the scene. Each item in the scene has an entry in the Hierarchy. The hierarchical structure represents the relationship between game objects.

(3) Game View & Scene View

  • The Scene View allows you to visually explore and edit your scene (avatar). The Scene View shows a 3D or a 2D perspective depending on the type of project you are working on.

  • The Game View simulates the final rendered look of the game (avatar) through the scene camera. Press the play button on the toolbar to start the simulation.

(4) The Inspector Window

  • You can view and edit all properties of a selected GameObject. Different GameObject types have different properties, so each time you select a different GameObject, the layout and content of the Inspector window will change.

(5) The Project Window

  • The asset libraries available in your project are displayed. When you import an asset into your project, it will appear in this window.

(6) The Status Bar

  • It provides notifications about the various Unity processes and quick access to related tools and settings.

Last updated