Rigged Sprite 2D Nearest Controller
You can learn how to use the Rigged Sprite 2D Nearest Controller through this page.
Last updated
You can learn how to use the Rigged Sprite 2D Nearest Controller through this page.
Last updated
Do not connect two or more Bone Controllers in the same hierarchy to one Bone at the same time.
For instructions on how to create a Rigged Sprite 2D Nearest Controller, please refer here.
1. Open the Controller window by clicking the upper toolbar > MYTY Kit > Rigged Sprite 2D Nearest Controller
. If you drag and drop a tab into the Inspector window, you can use it together within the Inspector window.
2. After clicking the ◉ icon on the right side of the Controller input window, designate the Controller object you want to control on the Rigged Sprite 2D Nearest Controller panel.
3. Find the Bone object you want to control in the Hierarchy panel and select multiple objects.
4. Click the Add button in the Controller Inspector window to add the relevant bone to the list of bones to be controlled. If you check the Recursive Selection, all child bones of the selected bone will be added to the panel.
5. After adding bone objects, Click the Anchor button and convert the panel to edit mode.
6. Move or transform bones properly, and set the rigged sprite's name in the Pivot Name input box.
7. Set the Pivot Position in which that sprite will be expressed. You can move the control handle(red dot) and copy its position directly by clinking Copy Position.
8. Click the Make New Pivot, and you can set the sprite pivot.
9. Repeat steps 6 to 8 as many times as desired. Select the pivot you want to delete and press the - button to delete the pivot from the pivots list.
10. By moving the pointer on the value panel, you can preview the animation according to the input value.