[v0.1.0] 4. Import MYTY Kit

This document explains how to import assets for the MYTY Kit.

Download MYTY Kit's Unity package

1. Go to MYTY Kit's Github page.

2. Select and download the latest version of MYTY Kit's unitypackage.

Create 2D Project

1. In Unity Hub, click New project in the upper right corner.

2. Select the 2D template, and click Create project to create a new project file. You can change the Project name and Location in PROJECT SETTINGS.

3. In the header tab, choose Assets > Import Package > Custom Packageโ€ฆ , locate the downloaded MYTY Kit Package, and click the Open button.

4. After confirming that all items are checked in the Import Unity Package window, click the Import button to import the package.

5. If you can see the MYTY Kit tab in the header tab and can see the Assets > MYTYKit folder in the lower left Project window, the MYTY Kit has been successfully imported.

How to change the Unity Editor version of a project file

1. In Unity Hub, click the project's Editor version and select the version you want to change to.

2. When the following window appears, click Change version.

3. When the window below appears, click Continue.

How to update to the latest version of the MYTY Kit Package.
  1. The steps are exactly the same as for importing a MYTY Kit package for the first time: on the header tab, click Assets > Import Package > Custom Packageโ€ฆ , select the downloaded MYTY Kit Package, and click the Open button.

  2. After confirming that the required assets are checked in the Import Unity Package window, click the Import button to import the package.

Have a question or an idea? If you have a question to ask or an idea to share, participate in the MYTY Kit Community. Weโ€™d love to hear from you.๐Ÿ˜„

Last updated