
The Docs assume some character animation, Unity, and Web3 knowledge.

๐Ÿ“Œ This document outlines the background knowledge that Avatar Creators should have before creating MYTY avatars with MYTY Kit.

If youโ€™re outsourcing the production of MYTY Avatars for your project, itโ€™s highly recommended that you find someone with this prerequisite knowledge. Canโ€™t find someone like that? Don't worry. Even if you don't have professional knowledge or experience, you can use MYTY Kit to create cool avatars. Go through the list below to check which areas you need to learn more about.

Character Animation

The process of creating a moving character is called character animation. The field of 3D character animation has seen rapid growth around the movie, game, and animation industries. The field of 2D character animation? Not so much. It largely remains a niche field with special use cases.

Right now, 2D character animation mostly occurs in the gaming and virtual YouTuber sectors, and is created using tools such as Live2D, Cubism, and Spine2d. MYTY Kit supports 2D character animation, so knowing the basics of 2D animation is a must. If you don't have this background, just watching the video materials below will go a long way.




MYTY Kit is developed for Unity. Unity is the most widely used 2D/3D video game development environment in the world and is also used to make animation and VR content. One major advantage of Unity is that whatever you make with it can be accessed across a multitude of devices and platforms. For example, if you make a particular function with Unity, this can be distributed as an app for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and even Oculus. This ability is reflected in MYTY Kit as well. Avatars and metaverse apps made using MYTY Kit will be compatible with all the major devices and operating systems.


  • Basics of Unity Hub and Unity Editor

  • Basics of Unity Skinning Editor

  • Basics of Unity Sprite Library



MYTY Kit is a Web3-native avatar development tool that originated from Web3's PFP culture. Therefore, a working grasp of a blockchainโ€™s technical properties and the crypto-context surrounding Web3 will be necessary. If you have ever published an NFT or an NFT collection, it can be assumed that you already have sufficient knowledge in this regard. But if words such as NFT or PFP are foreign to you, then check the contents below.


  • Basics of blockchain, crypto, Web3, NFT, PFP, and PFP culture.

  • Basics of generative NFTs and how they are created.

  • NFT-related experience on the Ethereum network.

    • Sign transactions and messages on the Ethereum network using MetaMask

    • Use Etherscan or OpenSea to verify NFT ownership and transfer NFT


Have a question or an idea? If you have a question to ask or an idea to share, participate in MYTY Kit Community. Weโ€™d love to hear from you.๐Ÿ˜„

Last updated